Thursday, December 27, 2007

Maldives Police Service...1step forward

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ޖުމްލަ 10 ބައިވެރިން ހިމެނޭ މިކޯހަކީ މިއީ މިގޮތުން ހިންގޭ ފުރަތަމަ ބުރެވެ.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Girls & Guys Facts (GIRL FACTS:)

When a girl bumps into your arm while walking she wants you to hold her hand

When she wants a hug she will just stand there

When u break a girls heart, she still feels it when u run into each other 3 years later

When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind.

When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply.

When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be

When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine.

When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful.

When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future.

When a girl says, "I miss you, " no one in this world can miss you more than that

When a girl is mean to you after a breakup she wants you back, but she's scared she'll get hurt and knows you're gone forever

Diffarent types of -----BRA

Poisonous BRA --- coBRA

Mathemetical BRA---- algeBRA

striped BRA---- zeBRA

strongestBRA---- vertiBRA

sunsignBRA---- liBRA

magical(invisible)BRA---aBRA ka daBRA

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

is this true????

1 When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

2 When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology.

3 A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.)

4 If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.

5When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt.

6A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually not sure how to react to them.

7When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her.

So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?

8If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.
9If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her.

10Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).
11Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.

12 Being too serious can turn a girl off.

13 When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act look uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.

14A smile means a lot to a girl.

15 If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.

16 If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave.

17 But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.

18 Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.

19 Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance
to a girl that she is beautiful.

20 After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.

21 If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl, read romance stories.

22 When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.

23 A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.

24 Girls love having fun!

25 A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

26 A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through.

27 Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.

28 Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.

29 Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.

30 Girls want nothing more than to feel loved.

31 Girls always hope that they can always remain as friend with their ex. But never know how !