Do you perceive life only as a futile struggle, rather than a challenge that is meaningful? When you look realistically and rationally at your life, your time is a precious commodity. Those who have known you will judge how you have spent your time and what you have left as your legacy. The concept of death is frightening to those who lack spirituality. Self-indulgence and other morally relativistic behavior consume the thoughts of many people during their spare time when their only focus is on their irrational thoughts and their fears. They visualize bigger homes, better cars, more jewelry, or a better significant other. They grow to resent the current people and possessions they have due to this irrational pattern of thought. They fear that they will miss out on some sort of pleasure before their lives end. This serves only to reinforce their emptiness and fear. 3
Visualize how you can give something back to benefit another person through the acts of love, respect, and honesty. You are also challenged to accept that there will be times when you fall short. The human condition involves the struggle to become a better person while understanding that there will be peaks and valleys along the way. Wipe your tears away and find true meaning through your acts of love. Let your tears of sorrow turn to tears of happiness.
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